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Steven Reames has led and managed a variety of non-profit organizations for 30+ years, providing a breadth of experience in tackling this industry’s challenges: program development, staff and volunteer management, fund development, marketing, and public relations, financial management, grant writing, event coordination, board development, and creating organizational culture.

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Steve thrives in collaborative efforts that put the unified goal higher than everyone’s individual goals. When it comes to building relational networks, connecting people to each other, mentoring people and strengthening their skills, you can count Steve in. At the bottom of all of this is a deep conviction that all people deserve to be treated as human beings, whether rich or poor, accomplished or failing, or anywhere in between.
Steve may not be the earliest adopter of the newest, fanciest or most expensive technology, but he tends to push the envelope on using new tools and methods, asking difficult questions, and moving past old ways of doing things that don’t serve well anymore. Part of this comes from being able to see through the clutter of why things aren’t working well and identify broken processes. But another big aspect is the willingness to try something out for a while to see if it works and quickly move on if it does not.
One of the greatest challenges and awakenings Steve has had over the course of his career is being passionate about a cause without letting it take over his life. Whether it is a ministry or non-profit work, it is all too easy to let human or organizational pressing needs intrude upon our family lives, our own sense of peace and well-being, and time unplugging from the world. Now he preaches building a rhythm of rest and recovery everywhere he goes and help others find more sustainable patterns of living and avoid occupational burnout.
Mr. Reames’ Prescription for Success: Number 1: Be Efficient with tasks, be effective with people.
Number 2: Build Sabbaths into your life.
Number 3: Most everyone is trying to do the best they can, with the constraints they have.
Connect with Mr. Reames
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Notable quotes from Mr. Reames’ interview:
I’m going to make myself available, and however that turns out, we’ll see how it turns out.
Suddenly I became much more aware than I ever had of human suffering.

How do you make it cheaper by service the whole person instead of just bits and pieces?
Everyone has to know what their limits are.
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