Dr Alexandra Lukianoff had a promising start in the healthcare field as a Nurse Corps officer in the Navy. After leaving active duty, she was hired by DoD to the be the Patient Care Coordinator for the Division of Vascular Surgery at NMC Balboa in San Diego. It was during this time that she decided to become a surgeon, and so the long path began.

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During her time as a surgical resident at UCONN, Dr Lukianoff was determined to pursue a path to surgery. Her interests vacillated between general surgery and plastic surgery. She ultimately decided to go into trauma and critical care, but was able to do extra training and research in plastic surgery. During her chief year of surgery she had the life changing experience of breaking her back in a car accident. It took multiple operations and 10 months to get fully back on her feet, and back into surgical training. She was accepted into the trauma and critical care fellowship of her choice, and steamed forwards. Unfortunately she herniated two cervical discs during a lap chole, and for a time lost function and feeling in her dominant hand. She managed to complete her general surgery residency and decided to take the following year, after even more surgery and recovery time, to step away and to rethink her future. It was at this time that serendipity stepped in once again, and she became the Local Medical Director for a very busy wound care center in Connecticut. Over the next 3 years she became a physician mentor, and then a regional medical director offering education and training, as well as mentorship, and coaching to hundreds of physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurses over the following years.
Over the last year she has decided to work towards establishing a wellness practice in Franklin, TN. Over the years she has seen a great many patients and loved ones struggle with day to day health, self image, and weight loss with very few options available, and very little support in the area. She recently opened the doors to Taproot Total Wellness. She is starting a small individual practice, and is establishing a Wellness Network in the area to bring like minded physicians and businesses together. She has also just started a blog called ‘What is Wellness?’ In this she is pulling together leaders from all different industries and walks of life to gain their perspectives on what wellness is to them, and how they implement it into their person and professional relationships.
Dr. Lukianoff’s Prescription for Success: Number 1: Don’t be afraid to take big leaps and make big changes.
Number 2: If things do not feel right for you, they are not right for you.
Number 3: Value your health.
Number 4: Maximize your downtime.
Number 5: Stay open to new ideas.
Number 6: The only constant is change – but you can handle it.
Connect with Dr. Lukianoff
Website: Taproottotalwellness.com Phone: 615-465-0015

Notable quotes from Dr. Lukianoff’s interview:
Don’t be afraid to take big leaps and make big changes.
If things do not feel right for you, they are not right for you.
Value your health.
The only constant is change – but you can handle it.

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