Dr. David Norris is a practicing anesthesiologist dedicated to improving all healthcare providers’ business intelligence. When he’s non-clinical, he serves as a consultant and educator, helping practices survive and thrive. He completed medical school at the University of Kansas School of Medicine and both anesthesiology residency and fellowship in cardiovascular anesthesia at Vanderbilt University.
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Dr. Norris was always interested in the business side of health care and medical practices and has spent years studying those fields. He earned an MBA after he realized he was not adequately taught the skills needed to operate a business. The medical education system had let him down. Today, his mission is to help physicians and their staff gain the business intelligence necessary to create their desired practice. Dr. Norris shares his knowledge via writing, teaching, speaking, and his podcast, The Financially Intelligent Physician with David Norris, MD, MBA, which is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, and Pandora. He has spoken at numerous events for the MGMA, NAAMCP, and many medical society meetings across the country.
His first book, The Financially Intelligent Physician: What They Didn’t Teach You in Medical School, was published in 2016. He has been writing, teaching, speaking, and consulting for years. His second book, Great Care, Every Patient: A Physician’s Guide to Process Improvement, was published in 2020.
Dr. Norris’s Prescription for Success:
Number 1: Never stop learning.
Number 2: Be humble, and always ask questions.
Number 3: You are never stuck.
Connect with Dr. Norris
Website: davidnorrismdmba.com Podcast: The Financially Intelligent Physician Books: The Financially Intelligent Physician and Great Care, Every Patient Email: david@davidnorrismdmba.com Notable quotes from Dr. Norris’s interview:
If I have an obligation… to make good, solid business decisions. I just thought that I wasn’t taught that stuff in Med School.
The example that I set… for my children has paid dividends in their work ethic and what they focus on and what they think. (In reference to going back to school as an adult).
Just because you think you’re a great doctor doesn’t mean your patients think you’re giving great care all the time.
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