Dr. Cheng Ruan, MD is a board certified internal medicine physician in Houston, TX. He is the founder of Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine and the host of the 2021 Physician Practice Automation Summit, a CME event to educate doctors on the business of private medical practices and burnout prevention. He is an advocate for developing unique business models in patient focused communication within private practice settings.
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MD Coaches, LLC provides leadership and executive coaching for physicians by physicians to overcome burnout, transition throughout your career, develop as a leader or meet your individual goals. Remember, you are not in this alone. Reach out to us today!
Physician Outlook is PHYSICIANS BY PHYSICIANS. It showcases unique physician talents, whether it be in the form of writing, painting, creating cookie masterpieces, or storming Capitol Hill in the name of healthcare advocacy. Use promo code RxforSuccess to get three months free when selecting the monthly option. https://rxforsuccesspodcast.com/physicianoutlook
He first entered the entrepreneurial world first as the co-author of a diabetes reversal book, and has spoken internationally on the topics of cannabinoid based clinical data as well as neurodegenerative disorders. During the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Dr. Ruan founded TCLM University, a free online educational platform using concepts of lifestyle and mind-body medicine to empower patients with different disease states. He is a father of two daughters, a husband to an Ob/Gyn physician, and son to parents in both traditional eastern and western medicine.
Dr. Ruan’s Prescription for Success:
Number 1: Define a measurable outcome.
Number 2: If you don’t know what to measure, think about your life in terms of categories of improvement.
Number 3: Make sure you’re the one that’s defining success, not someone else. Do the old patterns you developed when you were young no longer serve you, find what does.
Number 4: Try to do a 1-2mm shift in your mentality.
Number 5: Personalities are different. There is no such thing as a good personality, or a bad personality – only the way we perceive it.
Connect with Dr. Ruan:
Physician Practice Automation Summit: www.newpracticecoding.com Practice: Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine – www.txlifemed.org Online University for Patients: www.tclmuniversity.com
Notable quotes from Dr. Ruan’s interview:
As we get more experiences, it’s ok to change your mind.
I still remember them and me as young people just talking about the possibilities of the world, not realizing the potential that we have.
There’s always a story behind burnout that’s outside of the current situation that stems from lifelong experiences going back further into childhood.
The definition of burnout is individualized for everyone
I see burnout as a gift. I see it as a gift because without this concept of burnout, we are not stimulated to do the things that we truly want for ourselves, and actually pay attention to what we really want.
I can do a lot of good in this world, but I got to be organized about it.
If we change the way we talk to patients – even just a 2mm shift – it creates this massive impact for the patients. They’re going to go away feeling good, and you are going to go away feeling good.
Who is it that’s your hero? Is it your doctor? or is it the insurance companies?