Dr. Spector is Associate Editor for Podiatry Today, a premier print and online publication in the field of podiatric medicine and surgery. She is also a member of the medical advisory board for Modulim, a microvascular imaging company. Dr. Spector has lectured on the national circuit for the American Association for Women Podiatrists, the Goldfarb Foundation and the American Podiatric Medical Association. She has spent nearly six years on the Executive Board of the American Association for Women Podiatrists, of which she is currently President. Dr. Spector has lectured on the national circuit for the American Association for Women Podiatrists, the Goldfarb Foundation and the American Podiatric Medical Association.
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MD Coaches, LLC provides leadership and executive coaching for physicians by physicians to overcome burnout, transition throughout your career, develop as a leader or meet your individual goals. Remember, you are not in this alone. Reach out to us today!
Dr. Spector earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Pittsburgh, in her hometown of Pittsburgh, PA. She then went on to obtain her Doctor of Podiatric Medicine from Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine in Philadelphia. She completed a three-year Podiatric Medical and Surgical residency with Christiana Care Health Services in Delaware and served as Chief Resident in her final year. After residency, she practiced in both the suburbs of Philadelphia and New Jersey.
Dr. Spector’s Prescription for Success:
Number 1: Don’t force your career into a cookie-cutter path
Number 2: Keep pursuing things that you love outside of medicine.
Number 3: Keep working hard for your career, your family, or even yourself. A strong work ethic will never fail you.
Connect with Dr. Spector:
Email: jspector@hmpglobal.com
Podiatry Today: https://www.podiatrytoday.com/
American Association for Women Podiatrists: https://americanwomenpodiatrists.com/
Notable quotes from Dr. Spector’s Interview:
I think having people close by to you that support you and see your vision. Whether they be professional family or friends is so important.
For a physician full time does not mean 40 hours a week. Sometimes it means just as much as you worked when you were a resident, and I used to say full-time is way more than full-time and part-time actually means full-time to the rest of the nonmedical world.
If we wanted to prescribe certain medications if we wanted to see patients with a higher frequency, due to a risk level that we identified, these things all started to get questioned and push back. And it became, are we really practicing medicine to the best of our capabilities, are we practicing to the requirements of the insurance companies.
And as I had gotten involved in the American Association for Women Podiatrists, I had been flexing some muscles and honing some skills in writing and editing, lecturing and leadership and I thought, you know, maybe someday I’ll use that for something.
I did eventually enlist the services of a physician coach, and that person was fantastic. As far as helping me take all of this information that I had gathered on my own, and figure out how to direct it.
A lot of the people that are experiencing anxiety, depression, lack of satisfaction in their work are some of the more the higher-performing Doc’s in our field. If you look at the characteristics of physicians that experience burnout or symptoms of burnout, those same characteristics are almost what we would want in our physicians, people who are attentive people who are compassionate and caring and dedicated and motivated. Unfortunately, those are some of the Doc’s that are experiencing this and if this continues, we’re going to lose some of the best doctors that we would want for our own physicians.