Dr. Piedimonte has more than 25 years of experience in the leadership and management of complex healthcare systems. He is currently the Vice President for Research and Institutional Official of Tulane University, a university-wide post responsible for overseeing all aspects of research across the institution. He also holds the academic appointment of Professor with Tenure in the Departments of Pediatrics, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Tulane School of Medicine. Previously, he held the Steven and Nancy Calabrese Endowed Chair for Excellence in Pediatric Care, Research and Education, and served in multiple leadership roles at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, Ohio, including Institute Chair of the Pediatric Institute, Physician-in-Chief of the Children’s Hospital, President of the Children’s Hospital for Rehabilitation, Professor & Chair of Pediatrics at the Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Chief of Global Pediatric Research Operations, and Director of the Center for Pediatric Research. Before that, he served for more than 6 years as the first Wyeth Research Scholar, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at West Virginia University School of Medicine, and Physician-in-Chief of the WVU Children’s Hospital in Morgantown, WV.
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Dr. Piedimonte received his degree in Medicine from the University of Rome School of Medicine in Italy, completed his residency training in Pediatrics at the University of California San Francisco, and received fellowship training at the Cardiovascular Research Institute of the University of California San Francisco and at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. He maintains an active clinical practice, is regularly listed among the “Top Doctors” locally, nationally, and internationally, and holds active certifications in General Pediatrics and in Pediatric Pulmonology from the American Board of Pediatrics. He has also received formal training in Health Care Management and Managed Care & Capitation from the University of Miami School of Business; Health Policy and Management from Harvard School of Public Health; Healthcare Finance & Accounting from Baldwin Wallace University; and Population Health from Thomas Jefferson University.
Dr. Piedimonte’s Prescription for Success:
Number 1: Freedom. Success is dependent on the environment in which you operate. And so the first thing that I recommend to my trainees to remember that they are, they have this gift of being able to operate in the best country in the world, which is the United States.
Number 2: Innovation. Never look at where the puck is, always look at where the puck will be. What has made the United States what it is today is the intrinsic drive to entrepreneurship and innovation.
Number 3: Diversity. Diversity is critical. If you want to lead a globally successful enterprise, you need to have global talent. It doesn’t matter where people come from, what matters is the talent, the brilliance, the intelligence, the entrepreneurship they bring with them.
Number 4: Mobility. Never stay still and never become complacent with your status.
Connect with Dr. Piedimonte:
Notable quotes from Dr. Piedimonti’s Interview:
At the time, I was pretty convinced that to be a good lawyer, you have to be a very good liar.
Today I still maintain clinical activities and every time I see one of my pediatric patients, I feel that is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Portrait of Giovanni Piedimonte, vice president of research, for various purposes — feature in December issue of Tulanian, New Faculty brochure, TU home page.
When you don’t have alternatives, the decisions become extremely simple.
Science is easy. Medicine is easy. People are difficult.
I fundamentally believe in the fact that if you do something right, if you do something, well, there is beauty in virtually anything that you do.
Portrait of Giovanni Piedimonte, vice president of research, for various purposes — feature in December issue of Tulanian, New Faculty brochure, TU home page.
When you look at the best healthcare organizations in the United States, one things they have one thing they have in common is they are run by clinicians.
The best healthcare organizations in in this country and around the world put the patient first, not the bottom line.