Mark Lopatin is a rheumatologist who recently retired after 28 years in independent practice. He is active in organized medicine, having served as president and chairman of the Montgomery County Medical Society. He also has served as chair of both the Montgomery County Medical Legal Committee and the Montgomery County Task Force on Mediation. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees for both the Pennsylvania Medical Society and their Political Action Committee.
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Dr. Lopatin is also an active member of multiple grassroots advocacy groups. He has lectured and written numerous op-eds and articles on a multitude of health care issues to educate patients and physicians how health care polices affect the care that patients receive. His book, Rheum for Improvement – The Evolution of a Health-Care Advocate emphasizes that health care should be a human interaction between a patient and their physician rather than a business transaction between a consumer and a provider. He lives with his wife, Suzan and his two poodles, Harry Potter and Gryffindor.
Dr. Lopatin’s Prescription for Success:
Number 1: Create realistic expectations for yourself and your patients.
Number 2: Recognize that health care is inherently a human endeavor.
Number 3: Get help when you need it.
Number 4: Be aware of the sleep test. If you receive a call in the middle of the night from a patient, would you be able to sleep with the recommendations you provided?
Connect with Dr. Lopatin
Dr. Lopatin’s Book: Rheum for Improvement – The Evolution of a Health-Care Advocate Dr. Lopatin on Twitter: @lopatinmd Dr. Lopatin on Facebook: Mark Lopatin via email: Notable quotes from Dr. Lopatin’s interview:
I will go to my death bed knowing I may not have accomplished anything in effecting change, but I will know that at least I went up to bat and took my swings.
This is like ‘Horton Hears a Who’ – Everyone needs to shout it out.
Healthcare is not focused on the patient right now. It’s focused on populations, and patients are widgets
It’s easy to lose track of [the humanity of the patient] when you’re restricted to only having 15 minutes to see a patient.
Healthcare is inherently a human profession.
There is a learned helplessness amongst the physician community.
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