Dr. Erica Li is a pediatrician in Washington. She went to medical school at UC Davis and trained in general pediatrics in Los Angeles. She has been interested in Critical Race Theory since about 2017 and has summarized the implications about its application to medical practice on her website, criticalmedtheory.com. She also has a broad set of interests both within and outside of medicine. In medicine, she is deeply interested in helping trainees approach clinical problems by mapping out a chain of cause-and-effect, such that each node in the chain can be examined as a potential opportunity to interrupt pathology. Outside of medicine, she enjoys playing piano and SCUBA.
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Dr. Li’s Prescription for Success:
Number 1: You do not need to subspecialize.
Number 2: Where you match doesn’t matter. Just be pleased to match.
Number 3: Dating is very hard in medical school.
Number 4: It’s normal to have doubts about your profession.
Connect with Dr. Li
Website: Criticalmedtheory.com Email: criticalmedtheory@gmail.com Twitter: @criticalmedtheory YouTube: CriticalMedTheory
Notable quotes from Dr. Li’s interview:
Medical ethics as we know it and Critical Race Theory is not compatible.
Medical trainees shouldn’t assume that you have to subspecialize.
I very much embrace “small L” liberalism.
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